contos infantis feature

Contos Infantis

Children's short story book

Client: SS Montepio

Illustration | Design

— What if we gave you the opportunity to create illustrations for an entire book of children’s short stories, would you accept?
— Hell yes!

That’s what happened. Well, I answered in a more formal way.

José Silva Ferreira and Luís Duque-Possante wrote 7 stories for this book that I, in my own interpretation, illustrated both the stories and the cover. I was also responsible for the layout and editing.

sketches contos infantis
color illustration cat dog wolf pig
front page contos infantis
illustration pack contos
illustration pack contos
illustration robot contos infantis
illustration pack contos
illustration pack contos
illustration conto wolf
illustration pack contos
illustration pack contos
illustration pack contos
contos infantis separator illustration